Subtraction Action
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Subtraction Action

by Loreen Leedy
Illustrator(s): Loreen Leedy
Paperback | Pages: 32
Size: 8-1/2 X 11 | USD: $8.99
ISBN: 9780823417643
Publication Date: September 1, 2002
Age: 4-8 | Guided Reading Level: N
Themes: Animals/Fiction, Computation, Math

About the Book


Lesson Ideas
What’s the (Subtraction) Story?

Standard Met: CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA.A.1
What You Need: Subtraction Action by Loreen Leedy, pencils, paper
What to Do: Subtraction Action is a collection of short stories in which subtraction occurs as part of the story. Read a couple of these to the class. Then, ask students to write their own subtraction stories. These should be in the form of word problems that the rest of the class can try to solve. Brainstorm subtraction vocabulary and write these words on the board or include them on a word wall. To challenge students, ask them to write the story without using the word away, as in “She took five away.” This not only stretches students mathematically but also vocabulary-wise. When stories are done, students should write the answers on the back of their paper, showing their work. Extend by sharing a story problem (or two!) each day and letting students solve.
— from Instructor magazine