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Holiday House
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Holiday House is proud to publish the innovative and award-winning I LIKE TO READ® books, which are just right for emergent readers. These picture books by renowned and beloved artists have been evaluated and assigned Guided Reading Levels A through G based on the Fountas and Pinnell system.
I LIKE TO READ® Books in Spanish - Me Gusta Leer
NEW *** I LIKE TO READ® Comics
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Introducing the new site for everything Gail Gibbons—guides, book lists, author bio, and Greetings from Gail! Be sure to sign up for the e-newsletter chock-full of news and more. Visit the site
Featured Artist
Tom Phillips
When I set out writing Egypt’s Fire, I wanted to write a book perfect for the reluctant reader, because I was one. Read More

Holiday House is the proud publisher of many award-winning books for children and teens. Complete Listing